"Once our eyes are opened, we can't pretend we don't know what to do. God who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls knows that we know, and holds us responsible to ACT"...Proverbs 24:12

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Jacob and Sova are hiding Caleb under couch cushions so that I will not find him and put him down for a nap.
Why is it that the kids play best together right after lunch when it is time for naps/ school?
After capturing Caleb he screams, "I need you Jacob, help I need you! Mommy, I need Jacob!"
Jacob (loving the fact that his bro is crying for him) says, "I'll put you to bed Caleb."
"thank you Jacob" say's caleb
Again, he does it all...and I couldnt resist peeking in to watch Jacob rub Caleb's back singing, 'twinkle twinkle little star.'

Fastforward several hours...
Jacob has nostrils that can smell the neighbors food. We can never get away w/ popping popcorn at night without him running out of bed. This time Caleb was still awake so Jacob set up a, 'popcorn picnic.' Something about clean bath hair, pajamas, and mischevous grins...I can never say no :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Yes, that is dirt all over the table...Mike worked late tonight so we made mud pies...inside :)
The boys kept on looking up at me to watch my reaction as they poured water over their dirt on the table while swirling it around with their hands...they loved it.

Our corn and greenbeans sprouted and we are now waiting on the daisies.

I took the kids to a 'bouncy place' today- they were the Mega inflatables w/ obstacle courses and all. Im glad no one took a picture of me stuck in that thing (yes- really stuck- hey if skinny minnie Sova needed a push, you can imagine how bad I needed one!) but Id rather look like a fool than wave to my kids from a bench...(they dont know what they are missing out on :)
Caleb amazed me w/ his climbing skills (see child on volcano:)

Tonight Sova asked me to not make anymore mashed potaotes- she asked if we can drive to her 'India house' and eat 'those big balls' that Tuchi Mayo would roll up and stuff into her mouth. It was so cute- she was trying so hard to remember what was in the 'big balls' and she showed me w/ her hands how they were made and rolled and put into her mouth.
We havent been to an Indian reastauant w/ her yet- I think it would be nice to treat her to some of her Indian cusine soon! Yum.
She has also recently informed me that she loves her middle name 'Elliana' very very much...and will sometimes request that I say her full name, 'mommy say, Sova-Grace Ellianna Turner'...
so sweet :)

Jacob working w/ daddy...not a new sight!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Well our 'Season of Birthday's' has ended w/ a bang....Mike celebrated the big 30 this week after celebrating 5 family members b-days in the past 2 months. With a birthday party practically every weekend Sova keeps on wondering when her turn is coming...July is not soon enough.

As you can see (or not see...there are supposed to be 3 children in that shaded area:)
we are waiting for our seeds to sprout. I caught them gathered around the seeds saying, "Grow seeds- start growing!" (from Frog & Toad)
I think Im coming down w/ the whole spring cleaning thing right now (even w/ a foot of snow outside.)
One day I decieded to make of list (you know I love lists) of things I need to clean out or organize. There were several things I wrote down. But my problem is I LOVE crossing out the items so I kind of become obsessed w/ my list. I cleaned out the boys closet and mine, I organized my desk, I found my jouranls from 5-10 years ago and got a little sappy, I organized all my homeschooling stuff, I cleaned out the tupperware drawer and found all the lids, as I type I see my pantry items spewed across the kitchen floor- I guess my energy wore off and I'd rather type about it then get back to work :)
How do I do this?
This is what happens when a usually very busy child is sick in bed w/ a fever :(
We cant go out so I made the best of it w/ my 'little helpers.'
I can still here them echoing in my ear..."what you doing mommy?" "what that?" "why?"
I SHALL complete the list tomorrow.